Friday, January 21, 2011

Chinese Grass Jelly is not Jello

To those who don't believe me, grass jelly is very much unlike jello - hence the drill. It looks soft like jelly, other than the black color, but a lot tougher. You can't penetrate without drilling a pilot hole first! Once you are in, the grass jelly do not disintegrate easily, so you good very good massage, suction, and impact. And because it's jelly, it's always soft enough for your penis.

The nice thing about grass jelly is that, if you spank it with a spoon, it will not disintegrate, but bounce your spoon back. On the other hand, no matter how rough you rub it on your most delicate skin, it will not hurt.

If you find some other jelly like this, I'm happy to know and try.

Actually it's not as easy to get rid of it after use. You have to cut it into small pieces or use the blender before pouring them into the sink. They will "melt" only very slowly, and only at the surface. Of course you can put them in the trash can, but it will be messy when it becomes liquid eventually.

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