Friday, January 21, 2011

Chinese Grass Jelly - Tenga & Fleshlight killer

I wish I own one of these companies. I used one can like this, cost US$1.25, which gave me pleasure comparable to Fleshlight and Tenga. You can order it online too. There are many more possibilities because it's disposable.

How to use: leave the can at room temperature or a little warmer. I don't know the temperature they start to melt or turn softer.

Open the can with a nice can opener that do not leave any sharp edges! Double check with your fingers.

The jelly should be in one single bulk filling up the can. Some are in liquid form which are for drinks only - do not want. Usually they are served in cut up little cubes - we do not want that too.

Use the thickest wood or metal drill you can find, and drill a hole in the middle all the way down, leaving some depth at the bottom.

Now insert your equipment just like you do with Fleshlight or Tenga. Nice isn't it? You can thank me with a video, or not!


  1. Drill a hole in the metal bottom? Then why open the top of the can?

  2. He meant make a hole that fit your pickles idiot.

  3. You can also take the jelly out and put it inside your sex toy which does not have the base for pleasures.

  4. You can also take the jelly out and put it inside your sex toy which does not have the base for pleasures.

  5. He meant make a hole that fit your pickles idiot.
